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Come in and Catch the Vibe

Dr. Katie Lynne

We've been cooking up a whole host of exciting virtual and in-person group events here at Revolutionary Alignment! I thought it would be worth giving an overview of some of the upcoming, and recurring events I am delighted to share with community near and far. All of these events can be found on Revolutionary Alignment Events page, with some of the Moon gatherings and Goddess Temples are located exclusively in the calendar at bottom of the page.

Awaken your power and meet the divine teacher within, through the transformative practice of the yoga of awareness.

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful technology and spiritual practice that awakens energy from within, aligns us to our true self in connection with source, and systematically facilitates expanded awareness. This ancient practice fosters spiritual growth, resiliency, self-awareness, nervous system toning, and physical vitality.

Key Elements of Kundalini Yoga include

  • Pranayama (Breathwork): Utilize the energy current of the breath to facilitate mental focus and draw in nourishment from the air.

  • Asanas (Postures): Perform postures that activate energy centers, generating spiritual and physical well-being.

  • Meditation: Practice training the mind to focus, and shift awareness towards higher truth.

  • Mantras (Chanting): Intone time-tested vibrations to lead your journey into embodied knowing.

  • Energy Work: Move with your own inner energy, rising with it through the chakras to explore higher consciousness.

 Kundalini Yoga offers a path to harmonize mind, body, and spirit, inviting practitioners of all levels to experience spiritual growth and personal transformation.

Each Kundalini Yoga class will include the following components:

  • Attunement: To ground ourselves into the practice, and to align ourselves to the guidance of the divine teacher within

  • Kriya: A specific set of asanas and exercises that will be different each time, for creating different results, for example, opening the heart center, or working on digestion and elimination.

  • Deep Relaxation: It is when we surrender into rest that the work that we've done on the mat can integrate into our system. Relaxation will be facilitated by crystal bowl healing vibrations.

  • Meditation: A meditation that coordinates with the selected kriya leverages our journey into the subtle field.

  • Closing: We bow to ourselves and each other, to honor the oneness that flows through us, and that has led us through the practice.

No prior Kundalini Yoga, or any other yoga experience is needed. No religious or spiritual affiliation is needed. No specific physical capacity or ability is needed. You will be met, exactly where you are.

Kundalini Yoga classes are currently on offer weekly, at two locations, in Dexter, MI at Angel Whispers Healing Center, and in Ypsilanti, MI at Spiral Chi Center. Class cards are available at both locations for discounted rates!

In these monthly online Ingatherings, I offer educational content about the energetic context of the transition we are moving through, and most importantly, we will have an opportunity to share our experience of awakening, and offer witness.

The waning half moon brings the Autumn of the month, every month. Every month we reserve the right to turn within. On this night of change, we turn towards each other to practice hearing and speaking about, with, and tuning into, the new energy that is rising.

You are not the only one who is going through the transition I call The Revolution.

And as destabilizing as is, the resonant frequency that is rising is the tone of our most authentic selves. It grows stronger when we speak about it with each other, and we grow stronger too, as this resonant frequency is our inherent truth.

Ingatherings are free to all; your contribution is your presence, your awareness, and your resonance. If you feel moved offer additional energy exchange, your donations will be welcomed in gratitude.

The Healing Feast is a community experience centered on sharing delicious, nurturing, globally-inspired food that is mindful of the earth, along with uplifting, soulful music and deep, authentic conversations.

This dinner concert series, made from scratch by Sari and other collaborators, is designed to nourish both body and soul and reconnect us with a sense of the sacred in the rhythms of nature, while seeking to create an empowering space for all backgrounds, beliefs, identities, abilities, and needs. We also are donating 10% of all proceeds to organizations working toward justice, hope, healing, and peace. Sliding scale tickets will be available in advance and at the door, and through the generosity of participants & donors, free tickets will be made available on a first-come first-serve basis at the door. All are welcome!

This month's theme is Delicious Resistance, exploring pleasure activism to celebrate the revelry and feasting of Fat Tuesday/Carnaval along with the call to action and social transformation of March 4th. The dialogue prompt will be: How are you feeling called to claim more joy, pleasure, sensuality, rest, or delight in your life? How might answering this call resist or disrupt systems of oppression, for you or for others?

Every full moon we come together to celebrate our fullness! As we feel guided, we may sing, dance, play games, eat, socialize, do experiential exercises, deeply share, and follow what emerges. 

Although this container has at its base the rhythm of the moon, the energy of the Divine Feminine, and the general format of women’s circles, all genders are welcome. There is no age requirement, but please be mature and developed enough to hold sacred space for others.

Unless otherwise indicated, in-person gatherings are held at the 7 Notes Natural Health, 3830 Packard Rd, Suite 180, Ann Arbor. 

Goddess Temple is built with the purpose of honoring the Divine Feminine in her many forms.

In this Sacred Space we will celebrate Goddesses from all World cultures. At Goddess Temple you can expect an immersive experience that includes meditation, dancing, chanting and singing...all the many ways that we connect. A reading or teaching will be followed by a time for sharing. A ritual designed to bring each one present closer to a deeper understanding of the Divine Feminine within us. All genders are welcome.

Although this container has at its base the energy of the Divine Feminine, and the general format of women’s circles, all genders are welcome. There is no age requirement, but please be mature and developed enough to hold sacred space for others.

Unless otherwise indicated, in-person gatherings are held at the 7 Notes Natural Health, 3830 Packard Rd, Suite 180, Ann Arbor. 

At every Dark Moon, we have an opportunity to reflect on the past Lunar Cycle and discover how to work with the energy of the current Dark Moon.

As each Dark Moon occurs in a different zodiac sign, some of the aspects of that sign come into play as we compost what is no longer serving our Highest Good and plant seeds for the next Lunar Cycle. Each Circle is unique and may offer meditation, song or chanting, ritual and creative play. New Moon Manifesting is an inclusive gathering and is open to all.

Although this container has at its base the rhythm of the moon, the energy of the Divine Feminine, and the general format of women’s circles, all genders are welcome. There is no age requirement, but please be mature and developed enough to hold sacred space for others.

Sound baths immerse participants in transcendent vibrations, fostering deep relaxation and spiritual expansion.

Preparation for the Journey

The space facilitates a restful inward journey with very dim lighting and silenced devices. We advise fully laying down on your back, as you would in savasana deep relaxation at the end of a yoga class, to truly rest into the sound, and release conscious attention. Some yoga mats are available, but you are encouraged to bring whatever helps you feel comfortable for a restful 60minute experience. Mats, blankets, pillows, darkening eye masks, waterbottle, and loose, comfortable clothing are recommended.


As the participants lay down or find a comfortable seat on the floor if preferred and settle into the space, Dr. Katie Lynne facilitates quieting the mind and deepening into relaxation through gentle breathwork and guided meditation. The sound bath begins by listening to the sound of the room, listening to the breath, and listening within.

The Sound Bath Process

There is no water in a sound bath. While you rest, you will be bathing in the resonant tones of the following instruments:

  • Crystal Singing Bowls: These bowls produce pure tones that organize our tissues and our minds. Tonal relationships between bowls of different sizes produce shifting harmonies.

  • Gong: The powerful vibrations of the gong take us deeper into the surrounding embrace of sound and are used in many yogic traditions to facilitate deepening meditative states.

  • Chimes: The light and lingering sound of the chimes open and close the sound bath experience, settling us into the present instant with their perfect clarity.

  • Voice: Dr. Katie Lynne's warm and melodic voice gently weaves into the layers of sound, intoning sacred syllables from ancient mantras, adding to the richness of the experience.

The Inner Experience

The sound bath experience is unique to each event, and is highly individual and varied from person to person. The magic of the journey occurs at multiple levels:

  • Deep Relaxation: The sounds that fill the space create a container similar to the wombspace, immediately and progressively offering those present a deep relaxation, and an experience of restful safety.

  • Physical Rest: The body is wise, and knows how to heal and repair itself. When we allow it to operate in a state of deep rest, rather than requiring energy to digest, move, or think, the body utilizes the opportunity to rejuvenate and integrate.

  • Heart/Brain Coherence: In peaceful states, the electrical activity of the brain and the heart synchronize into a rhythmic pattern, which has been shown to provide many benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced cognitive functioning, and many more.

  • Theta Brain Waves: Deep rest and meditation promotes theta brain waves, which are present in creativity, intuition, and spiritual experiences, and offer long-term benefits in problem solving, insight, emotional regulation, and more.

  • Collective Coherence: By gathering with others in a shared space of coherent frequency, we energetically organize ourselves into harmonic flow. This creates an electromagnetic group field, or group aura. The sense of safety and open heartedness generates a co-created vibration of peace and union, which further supports the personal journey of each co-creator.

  • Spiritual Connection: In this state of security, connection, release, and ease, the wisdom of the body and spirit are able to operate in flow with reduced impedance from the mind, attachment, or strivings of the ego. Freedom, peace, bliss, and awareness of union with spiritual truth arise.

Closing the Journey and Integration

As the sound bath concludes, in the lingering sounds and the deepening silence, we return to the breath. Dr. Katie Lynne will facilitate a gentle visualization to bring us back into the present moment. Upon rising, we will briefly sit in circle, for an optional sharing of experience, and to integrate our energy back into our waking selves before returning to the world. The otherworldly experience of a sound bath can provoke emotions, altered states of consciousness, or a "floaty" feeling. It is recommended to bring a water bottle and hydrate afterwards, and return to grounding prior to driving home to drift into a nourishing sleep. We are who we were prior to the journey, yet we have also been changed; by the experience itself, and by the courage of choosing to step into transformation.

Your Guide

Dr. Katie Lynne is a licensed therapist whose work focuses on the whole self; mind, body, spirit, community, ecology, and activity. Katie is a professional vocalist, and Kundalini Yoga teacher, who integrates her musical gifts into meditation-deepening ambient mantra singing. She approaches life, and her therapeutic and sonic offerings from the perspective that we are all one, and everything is vibration.




Thank you for honoring your call

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